Each year 1,500 million tonnes of municipal waste in the world are generated and 75% ends up in the landfill polluting the environment. However, each kilo of organic waste can be removed enough fuel for seven kilometers by car. In this process of sustainable fuel the Spanish company Abengoa plays a decisive role.
The firm has opened demonstration plant installed at Babilafuente (Salamanca, Northwest of Spain). It uses a technology pioneer ' Waste to Biofuels' (W2B) aimed at obtaining second generation biofuels from municipal solid waste. And he does it through an advanced treatment of enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation. "It's the only demonstration plant for the production of second generation from waste biofuel," says Ana Isabel Vicente, Director general of r & d's in Abengoa process
The Salamanca plant has capacity to process 25,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW), and produce up to 1.5 million liters of bioethanol for fuel.
The Spanish company W2B technology is a world leader in the production of bioethanol from waste. During the transformation process, organic matter is subjected to different treatments for organic, fiber rich in cellulose and hemicellulose, which is subsequently converted into biofuel.
The production of bioethanol from the urban solid waste is a technological breakthrough in the waste management model, since it allows to minimize the environmental footprint, and achieve great benefits for society. "Second generation from waste fuels generated a cut in emissions of between 80% and 90% with respect to gasoline", explains Ana Isabel Vicente. The cities that adopt this technology will be groundbreaking and will reduce its energy dependence.
The bioethanol produced at the plant W2B has multiple uses: can be used as an additive to gasoline, as a fuel for cars, as an intermediate in processes for the chemical industry, or even in the production of fuels for aviation (jet fuel).
The proposal of Abengoa is unique, since the company has established itself as an expert in all phases of the value chain, from the creation of biofuels to the engineering and construction of industrial plants or waste management.
The bioethanol production from urban waste represents a technological breakthrough in the waste management model, since it allows to minimize the environmental footprint, and achieve great benefits for society"
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