Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Experiences in the cloud

"Technological model that allows ubiquitous, adapted and access on-demand network to a shared set of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be quickly fueled and released with minimal interaction with the service provider or a reduced management effort".

Thus it defines cloud computing - or computing in the cloud-the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), agency US federal working hand in hand with the industry, to develop and implement standards, measures, and technological tools. Or what is the same, a system that makes it possible that any person can access a vast array of resources and computer services on-demand hosted by huge remote data centers. The advantages of this system today imposed across the globe are numerous: allows you to automatically assign computer resources depending on the particular needs of each user - even specific adjustments for a timely demand-, billing according to consumption, access universal, continuous, and multi-device; and, above all, to isolate computer resources contracted from the supplier, the computer equipment of the entity, with the consequent discharge volume of data traffic, reducing storage and lower costs.
Experiences in the cloud
Away from what one might think, cloud computing is not science fiction, but it is fully integrated into the daily life of millions of people around the world. You have e-mail accounts on platforms such as Hotmail or Gmail, upload personal videos to Youtube and applications like Flickr photos, or share documents in Dropbox are just a few examples of services hosted in the cloud. In fact, the development of this model has been unstoppable in the last five years. According to a study by the consulting firm IDC, worldwide revenues because of cloud services - computing and hosting - will exceed $ 55,500 billion in 2014, 30% more than the previous year, with an estimated market share of 12%, with the head of the technologies of information and communication (technology ICT) industry. And at the forefront of this emerging sector could be Spain, according to a report by Gartner, which identifies our country among the 30 leading locations thanks to reduced production costs, the excellent infrastructure of information technologies and the strong relationship with Latin America.

Experts believe that this system of computer services under potential quasi unlimited demand could be the ultimate solution for companies and, especially, the outsized public administrations, one of the sectors where it predicts greater impact, according to a report by the Bankinter Foundation, which estimates that 39% of these will work with services in the cloud. In a crisis like the present scenario, the step by the public sector of a traditional technology management the adoption of solutions in the cloud is a remarkable cost-cutting, as well as opening new options as to use the platform to promote participation and involvement public - open government-, offer their services and share knowledge on the Web , and effectively manage the huge volume of information and the multiplicity of systems that manage the public sector.